SPD Power Surge Protector for Solar 2 Pole 500V SPD DC Surge Protective

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MR-PV600 series PV Surge Protective Device 40KA DC 1000V SPD suitable for solar energy & wind power generation system

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MR-PV600 series PV Surge Protective Device 40KA DC 1000V SPD suitable for the new energy wind power generation system,its working voltage covers 500V,800V and 1000V.It is installed in the main power system at DC circuit,to protect against the indirect lighting current,direct lighting current or other instantaneous over voltage.


solar surge protector      MR-PV600 MR-PV1000
PV DC specific (IEC 6614-1/EN 61643-11)
Pole 2 pole 3 pole
Electrical Parameter
Classifical test II II
Uoc max (V DC) 550 600 800 1000
Uc (V DC) 550 600 1000 1000
In(8/20)us (KA) 20 20
Imax(8/20)us (KA) 40 40
Up (KV) 2 3.8
Remote control and indication
Indication window
Plug-in module
Remote signal contact
Remote signal contact Max working volt 250V AC/30V DC 250V AC/30V DC
Max working amp 1A (250V/AC) 1A (250V/AC) 1A (250V/AC)
1A (30V DC) 1A (30V DC) 1A (30V DC)
Wiring & installation
Wiring capacity(mm2) Hard wire 4-25mm 4-25mm
Flexible wire 4-16mm 4-16mm
Stripping length 10 10
Terminal screwa M5 M5
Torque(Nm) Main ciruit 3.5 3.5
Remote signal contact 0.25 0.25
Protection class All profile IP40 IP40
Connection port IP20 IP20
Installation environment No obvious shock and vibration
Altitude(m) ≤ 2000 ≤ 2000
Working temperature 67 67
Relative humidity 30%-90% 30%-90%
How to install Install with H35-7.5/DIN35 stell mounting rail
Size(mm) (W*H*L) W 36 54
H 90 90
L 48.5 48.5
Weight (KG) 0.28 0.42

Additional information

Weight 22.5 kg


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