Canadian Solar 365W Super High Power Poly PERC HiKU with MC4

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With proprietary poly wafer and cell technologies Canadian Solar have developed an extraordinary module range. HiKu are the first poly PERC modules with up to 365W output from an almost standard 60 cell module frame size

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Canadian Solar 365W Poly KuMax Half-Cell 35mm Frame

High Efficiency?Poly Module (CS3U-350-355-360-365P)

With Canadian Solar?s poly cell technology and the industry leading innovative LIC (Low Internal Current) module technology, we are now able to offer our global customers high power poly modules up to 365W.
The KuMax poly modules with a dimension of 2000 x 992 mm, close to our 72 cell MaxPower modules, have the following unique features:
Higher power classes for equivalent module sizes
High module efficiency up to 18.40 %
LOW hot spot temperature risk
LOW temperature coefficient (Pmax): -0.37 % / ?C
LOW NMOT (Nominal Module Operating Temperature): 42 ? 2 ?C

Power Range: up to 365 W

Cell: 144 x dual-cell Poly, 156 x 78 mm

Dimensions: 2000 ? 992 ? 35 mm

Weight: 22.5 kg

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Weight 22.5 kg


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